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Microscoape > Ustensile microscopie > Preparate > Zoologie > Discovery > Discovery Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set

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The large Prepared Slides Set includes ready-to-use specimens in a practical colorful box. A child can start exploring the world around them without spending time on preparing slides. You can use this set with any biological microscopes that are designed for observations in the transmitted light (with lower illumination).

All of the specimens are divided into groups by categories and combined into slides so that you can easily move them on the microscope stage. The slides are covered with colored paper that has round transparent slots in it. Each specimen is labeled. The slides are stored in a durable cardboard box.

It takes a lot of time to make your own slides. Moreover, it requires instruments and skills. First, you need to make a slight cut with a microtome, a special instrument with a sharp blade. Then, you need to smooth the cut with a needle on the stage, color if needed, and cover with a cover glass. However, even if you do everything right, the specimen may turn out to be improper for studying, and you will have to start over. Save time and avoid frustration with ready-to-use microscope slides.

The slides set includes:


  • Mouse hair
  • Hare hair
  • Dog hair
  • Sheep hair


  • Bee abdomen
  • Honeybee leg
  • Locust wing
  • Hosefly leg

Tiny creatures

  • Plant louse
  • Ant
  • Shrimp egg
  • Daphnia

Usage: General use product. May be used by kids over 3 years old.

Date tehnice



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Discovery Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set
Discovery Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set
Discovery Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set
Discovery Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set
Discovery Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set


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