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Nr. articol: 24769

Cooling Enhancer

 $ 62,00 Pretul nostru:
$ 59,00 incl. TVA plus costuri de livrare
termen scurt
gata de livrare in 1-2 saptamani + timp de tranzit

Descriere produs

Din pacate, descrierea acestui produs nu a fost inca tradusa in limba romana, din acest motiv veti gasi in loc o descriere in limba engleza.

Starlight Xpress Cooling Enhancer

In stagnant air, the body temperature of our 'R' series cameras can rise well above ambient and degrade the chip cooling. This very compact add-on will keep the air moving and allow you to get the best possible delta T on the chip. It is fitted in place of the standard tripod bracket and powered by a 'Y' lead from the DC input cable. The magnetically levitated fan is quiet and vibration free.

Date tehnice

Siguranța produselor

Producător: Starlight Xpress Ltd., Unit 3, Brooklands Farm Business Park, Bottle Lane, Binfield, RG42 5QX Berks,
Persoana responsabilă: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE, [email protected]
Starlight Xpress Cooling Enhancer


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