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Nr. articol: 72290

Echter Mond Meteorit NWA10203

$ 76,00 incl. TVA plus costuri de livrare
in stoc
gata de livrare in 24 h + timp de tranzit
Livrare Express posibila pana maine, 27.03.2025!

Descriere produs

Din pacate, descrierea acestui produs nu a fost inca tradusa in limba romana, din acest motiv veti gasi in loc o descriere in limba engleza.

Sample size approx. 5mm. The size indicated in the technical data refers to the box in which the rock sample can be safely stored.

Comentariul expertilor nostrii:

Informatii privind dovada autenticitatii:

Singura institutie ce poate omologa meteoriti este Societatea de Meteoriti de la Muzeul Britanic NH din Londra.

Acolo, toti meteoritii sunt inregistrati - toate probele din Antarcitca, din desert, si toate descoperirile istorice.

Datele sunt examinate, numerotate si denumite, sunt recunoscute si publicate in anuarul Buletinului Meteoritic.

Procedura de recunoastere este strict definita

O piesa dintr-un meteorit, impreuna cu toate datele cunoscute este transmisa catre unul din putinele laboratoare specializate recunoscute de Societatea de Meteoriti.

Laboratorul face apoi o mica sectiune pentru o evaluare la microscop a texturii si compozitiei si pentru comparare, o analiza chimica generala este facuta, fiind masurate mineralele relevante si izotopii.

Tote informatiile sunt adunate intr-un raport concis, impreuna cu propunerea la ce subclasa respectivul meteorit ar trebui clasat, acest lucru fiind de competenta Comitetului de Nomenclatura a Societatii de Meteoriti.

Materialul aditional trebuie stocat pentru cercetari ulterioare. Comitetul de Nomenclatura este compus din specialisti de renume international in domeniul meteoritilor ce analizeaza datele pentru aprobare si apoi accepta sau resping in unanimitate raportul sau decid ca e nevoie de analize suplimentare.

Daca meteoritul este recunoscut, ii este dat un nume sau un numar si toate datele de baza sunt publicate in bianuarul Meteoritical Bullet - standardul de referinta pentru meteoriti.

Societatea de Meteoriti, ca si laboratoarele aferente functioneaza pe baze necomerciale.

Asigurare suplimentara: Producatorul este membru al Asociatiei Internationale a Colectionarilor de Meteoriti, ce garanteaza autenticitatea materialului vandut de membrii sai.

(Bernd Gährken)

Information regarding proof of authenticity:

The only institution that can homologate meteorites is the Meteoritical Society at the British Museum NH in London.

There, all meteorites are centrally recorded -

all finds from Antarctic searches, all desert finds, all historical falls and finds.

The data are examined, numbered or named, and are recognized and published in the annual Meteoritical Bulletin.

The recognition procedure is strictly defined.

A piece from each meteorite, along with all known find data, has to be submitted to one of the few specialized university laboratories recognized by the MetSoc.

The laboratory then makes thin sections of the piece for microscopic evaluation of the texture and composition and for comparison, and a general chemical analysis is carried out and the key minerals and important isotopes are measured.

All the information ​​gathered is summarized in a report, together with the proposal to which subclass of meteorite the piece should be assigned, and this is submitted to the Nomenclature Committee of the MetSoc.

Additional material must be stored for further research. The Nomenclature Committee is made up of leading international meteorite specialists who analyse the data for plausibility and then unanimously accept or reject the report or decide that further analysis should be carried out.

If the meteorite is recognised, it is given a name or a number and all the basic and key data are published in the biannual Meteoritical Bulletin - the standard reference for meteorites.

The Meteoritical Society, as well as the laboratories involved, works on a non-commercial basis.

Additional assurance: The manufacturer is a member of the International Meteorite Collectors Association, which guarantees the authenticity of the material sold by its members.

(Bernd Gährken)

Date tehnice


Latime (mm)
Inaltime (mm)
Lungime (mm)

Siguranța produselor

Producător: Stefan Ralew Mineralienhandel, Joachim-Ringelnatz-Str. 4, 12683 Berlin, DE,
SR-Meteorites Echter Mond Meteorit NWA10203


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