Parteneri pentru Astronomie
Articol 1297 - 1332 din 1741
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Euromex obiectiv IS.7140, 40x/0.65, wd 0,45 mm, EPL, E-plan, S (iScope)
obiectiv IS.7140, 40x/0.65, wd 0,45 mm, EPL, E-plan, S (iScope)
$ 131,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex BS.9158, Phase contrast kit, Abbe, slot for slider. E-plan EPLPH i 10/S40x IOS PH  (bScope)
BS.9158, Phase contrast kit, Abbe, slot for slider. E-plan EPLPH i 10/S40x IOS PH (bScope)
$ 510,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Micro-lupa 15x
Micro-lupa 15x
$ 43,90
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Sursă de lumină rece LE.5211, HAL 150W, sim direcionador de luz
Sursă de lumină rece LE.5211, HAL 150W, sim direcionador de luz
$ 510,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv IS.7210, 10x/0.25, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
obiectiv IS.7210, 10x/0.25, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 136,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv BS.8700, E-Plan Phase EPLPHi S100x/1.25 oil immersion IOS (infinity corrected), w.d. 0.36 mm (bScope)
obiectiv BS.8700, E-Plan Phase EPLPHi S100x/1.25 oil immersion IOS (infinity corrected), w.d. 0.36 mm (bScope)
$ 500,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv IS.7204, 4x/0.10, PLi , plan, infinity (iScope)
obiectiv IS.7204, 4x/0.10, PLi , plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 87,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv BS.8220, E-plan EPLi 20x/0.25 IOS (infinity corrected), w.d. 2.61 mm (bScope)
obiectiv BS.8220, E-plan EPLi 20x/0.25 IOS (infinity corrected), w.d. 2.61 mm (bScope)
$ 110,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv DX.7304, 4x/0.13 PLFi APO, plan semi-apo, infinity, Fluarex, w.d. 16,5 mm (Delphi-X)
obiectiv DX.7304, 4x/0.13 PLFi APO, plan semi-apo, infinity, Fluarex, w.d. 16,5 mm (Delphi-X)
$ 478,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv AE.3134, S100x/1.25, , PLPH IOS infinity, plan, phase (Oxion)
obiectiv AE.3134, S100x/1.25, , PLPH IOS infinity, plan, phase (Oxion)
$ 478,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv 86.554, 20x/0,60, w.d. 2,1 mm, PL-FL IOS , plan, fluarex (Oxion)
obiectiv 86.554, 20x/0,60, w.d. 2,1 mm, PL-FL IOS , plan, fluarex (Oxion)
$ 477,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Omegon Trepied Titania 500
Trepied Titania 500
$ 89,00
gata de livrare in 24 h
Euromex Obiectiv S100x/1.25 semiplan, Öl AE.5601 (BioBlue)
Obiectiv S100x/1.25 semiplan, Öl AE.5601 (BioBlue)
$ 131,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Omegon PD 80 placă de eliberare rapidă
PD 80 placă de eliberare rapidă
$ 14,90
gata de livrare in 24 h
Euromex Microscop BioBlue, BB.4220, mono, DIN, 40x-400x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
Microscop BioBlue, BB.4220, mono, DIN, 40x-400x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
$ 463,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv AE.3144, 4x/0,13,PL-FL IOS infinity, plan, semi-apochromatic (Oxion)
obiectiv AE.3144, 4x/0,13,PL-FL IOS infinity, plan, semi-apochromatic (Oxion)
$ 468,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv 100x/1.25 plan, phase, infinity, BB.7700 (BioBlue.lab)
obiectiv 100x/1.25 plan, phase, infinity, BB.7700 (BioBlue.lab)
$ 466,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex BS.9660, Polarisation kit: analyser under head and polariser on lamphouse
BS.9660, Polarisation kit: analyser under head and polariser on lamphouse
$ 123,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex BS.9156, Phase contrast kit, Abbe, slot for slider,  E-plan EPLPH 10x/S40x PH   (bScope)
BS.9156, Phase contrast kit, Abbe, slot for slider, E-plan EPLPH 10x/S40x PH (bScope)
$ 460,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv IS.8900, 100x/1.25, PLPHi oil immers., plan, phase, infinity, S (iScope)
obiectiv IS.8900, 100x/1.25, PLPHi oil immers., plan, phase, infinity, S (iScope)
$ 451,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Micro-lupa  4x
Micro-lupa 4x
$ 36,90
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Obiectiv adiţional 0.57x pentru ZE 1659
Obiectiv adiţional 0.57x pentru ZE 1659
$ 449,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv Objektiv, AX.7240, Infinity EIS 60 mm, plan PLi 40x/0.65, M25, 1.5 mm
obiectiv Objektiv, AX.7240, Infinity EIS 60 mm, plan PLi 40x/0.65, M25, 1.5 mm
$ 214,00
gata de livrare in 1-2 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv IS.7960-T, 60x/0.85, PLPOLi , plan, strain-free, infinity (iScope)
obiectiv IS.7960-T, 60x/0.85, PLPOLi , plan, strain-free, infinity (iScope)
$ 440,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Condensator camp intunecat, Ulei, DX.9112 (Delphi-X)
Condensator camp intunecat, Ulei, DX.9112 (Delphi-X)
$ 436,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Inel iluminator fluorescent, seria Z
Inel iluminator fluorescent, seria Z
$ 437,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Unitate câmp întunecat pentru seriile E şi Z
Unitate câmp întunecat pentru seriile E şi Z
$ 436,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Obiectiv 0,5x SB.8905, seria-SB
Obiectiv 0,5x SB.8905, seria-SB
$ 124,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Atasament Köhler IS.9880 pentru iScope
Atasament Köhler IS.9880 pentru iScope
$ 70,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv Ocular accesoriu NZ.8905, 0,5 WD 187mm pentru Nexius
obiectiv Ocular accesoriu NZ.8905, 0,5 WD 187mm pentru Nexius
$ 163,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex Beleuchtungsstation LE.5212, 2 Schw.h. 365nm, Ringl., Durchl.
Beleuchtungsstation LE.5212, 2 Schw.h. 365nm, Ringl., Durchl.
$ 376,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Omegon Bundle comprising SCT Adapter with C11 to C8 Adapter
Bundle comprising SCT Adapter with C11 to C8 Adapter
  $ 84,80
Pretul nostru:
$ 49,00
gata de livrare in 24 h
Euromex obiectiv BS.8740, E-Plan Phase EPLPHi S40x/0.65 IOS (infinity corrected), w.d. 0.66 mm (bScope)
obiectiv BS.8740, E-Plan Phase EPLPHi S40x/0.65 IOS (infinity corrected), w.d. 0.66 mm (bScope)
$ 399,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv 100x / 1,25 achro, DIN, arc, ulei, EC.7000 (EcoBlue)
obiectiv 100x / 1,25 achro, DIN, arc, ulei, EC.7000 (EcoBlue)
$ 105,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv IS.7900-T, 100/1,25 PLPOLi oil immers., plan, infinity, strain-free (iScope)
obiectiv IS.7900-T, 100/1,25 PLPOLi oil immers., plan, infinity, strain-free (iScope)
$ 391,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
Euromex obiectiv AE.3173, 10x/0.25, w.d. 16 mm, PL-M IOS infinity, plan, no coverglass (Oxion)
obiectiv AE.3173, 10x/0.25, w.d. 16 mm, PL-M IOS infinity, plan, no coverglass (Oxion)
$ 394,00
gata de livrare in 3-5 saptamani
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