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Nr. articol: 54248

Set student cu 6 preparate pentru microscop, celule stem fanerograme

$ 73,00 incl. TVA plus costuri de livrare
termen prelungit
gata de livrare in 3-6 luni + timp de tranzit

Descriere produs

Din pacate, descrierea acestui produs nu a fost inca tradusa in limba romana, din acest motiv veti gasi in loc o descriere in limba engleza.


Typical Roots of Phanerogams, Supplementary Package of 12 items

Comprising: 12 Microscope Slides in Plastic Box, Brochure with explanatory text, Cardboard box.

1. Herbaceous and woody roots, two t.s. on one slide

2. Young (primary) and older (secondary) roots, two t.s. on one slide

3. Salix, willow, l.s. of root showing origin of lateral roots

4. Iris, typical monocot root t.s. showing all structures

5. Medicago, alfalfa, root t.s. showing secondary growth

6. Tilia, lime, older woody root t.s.

7. Monstera, aerial root t.s.

8. Taraxacum, dandelion, taproot with lactiferous vessels t.s.

9. Fagus, beech, root with ectotrophic mycorrhiza, t.s.

10. Neottia nidus avis, orchid, root with endotrophic mycorrhiza, l.s.

11. Cuscuta, dodder, t.s. through stem of host showing the haustoria of the parasite

12. Pinus, older woody root t.s.

Date tehnice

Siguranța produselor

LIEDER Set student cu 6 preparate pentru microscop, celule stem fanerograme
LIEDER Set student cu 6 preparate pentru microscop, celule stem fanerograme


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