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Accesorii telescop > Alte produse > PegasusAstro > PegasusAstro Stepper Motor Cable for Meade Zero Image-Shift
Nr. articol: 63787

Stepper Motor Cable for Meade Zero Image-Shift

$ 21,90 incl. TVA plus costuri de livrare
in stoc
gata de livrare in 24 h + timp de tranzit
Acest produs este disponibil in urmatoarele variante:
Potrivit pentru Pret
Lacerta $ 21,90
Meade Zero Image Shift $ 21,90
Rigel nStep $ 21,90
Robofocus, Moonlite $ 31,90
Starlight HSM $ 31,90
Starlight MSM $ 31,90

Descriere produs

Din pacate, descrierea acestui produs nu a fost inca tradusa in limba romana, din acest motiv veti gasi in loc o descriere in limba engleza.

(Note: Product only similar to illustration)

This cable is needed when connection a focus motor to the PegasusAstro Ultimate Powerbox (v1/v2), to the PegasusAstro Dual Motor Focus Controller (with RJ45 output), or to the PegasusAstro eXternal Motor Controller.

Choose the correct version of the cable for your focus motor:

  • RJ45 to DB9: Robofocus, Moonlite, Lakeside or other generic unipolar stepper motors
  • Meade Zero Image Shift
  • Rigel nStep
  • Starlight HSM
  • Starlight MSM
  • Lacerta Focus Motor
  • PegasusAstro Motor Focus Kit: No special cable is necessary. A regular (straight) RJ45 to RJ45 cable (Ethernet or LAN cable) will work.

Date tehnice


Potrivit pentru
Meade Zero Image Shift

Siguranța produselor

Producător: Pegasus Astro Co. LTD GR Branch, Kolokotroni 10, 19001 Keratea, GR,
PegasusAstro Stepper Motor Cable for Meade Zero Image-Shift


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